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Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

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🌊Ets una persona apassionada per la mar i la seva conservació? Ens vols ajudar a cercar aliats per protegir-la i entendre-la millor?

🤿També tens una titulació de busseig i bones habilitats comunicatives?

Aquesta feina és per a tu.

La Fundació Marilles i Observadores del Mar cercam tres persones (una a Mallorca, una a Menorca i una a Eivissa o Formentera) per formar part del nostre equip.

⏰Mitja jornada
🗓️Durada del contracte: 6 mesos ampliables.
⏲️Termini per apuntar-t’hi: 13 de maig de 2024.

🔗Més informació a la nostra bio!




🌊¿Eres una persona apasionada por el mar y su conservación? ¿Quieres ayudarnos a buscar aliados para protegerlo y entenderlo mejor?

🤿¿También tienes una titulación de buceo y buenas habilidades comunicativas?

Este trabajo es para ti.

La Fundación Marilles y Observadores de Mar buscamos tres personas (una en Mallorca, una en Menorca y una en Ibiza o Formentera) para formar parte de nuestro equipo.

⏰Media jornada
🗓️Duración del contrato: 6 meses ampliables.
⏲️Plazo para apuntarte: 13 de mayo de 2024

🔗¡Más información en nuestra bio!

📸 brunsicg

#jobalert #joboffer #science #marinescience #marineconservation #ofertalaboral #marbalear #cienciaciudadanamarina #cienciaciudadana #buceo #busseig #citizenscience

Science is a critical part of our work to defend native forests and Takayna — over the past six months, we have been making significant threatened species finds and engaging citizen scientists in the field.

In February, our recordings of Swift Parrots secured an injunction to temporarily halt logging in one area of forest in Southern Lutruwita / Tasmania. 🦜 In the same month, we recorded Masked Owls breeding in forests being logged, and after alerting Forestry Tasmania, the logging machines left just days later.

Our team of scientists and dedicated volunteers are hard at work documenting protected species in at-risk areas 🔎 Here are some of the species they encountered over the recent warmer months.

Join us to protect native forests by pledging towards our urgent crowdfunder to end native forest logging. Pledge now at the 🔗 in our bio.

#SwiftParrot #CitizenScience #MaskedOwl #FightForForests

Learn how to illustrate beetles in watercolour with Anna Voytsekhovich!

During the workshop our participants will learn about beetles, their anatomy, ecology and morphology. Anna will demonstrate different painting techniques and explain how to paint iridescence and various textures on beetles.

Learn how to produce an initial drawing of a beetle, how to scale it, what to include in composition, and then how to transfer these drawings onto paper to produce a beautiful scientifically accurate illustration of a beetle in watercolour.

Date: 13 – 14 June 2024
Time: Thursday/Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Address: Queensland Museum, Grey Street, Southbank Precinct, Brisbane
Parking: Cultural Centre Underground Carpark near the museum or via public transport to the city.

Book now via our website or by using the shop link!

#whatsonbrisbane #watercolourart #brisbane #citsci #arttherapy #natureart #education #watercolourclass #watercolorclass #watercolorpainting #beetles #queenslandmuseum

Join Dr Hannah Trayford as she explains how our citizen science 'State of the Badger' survey is critically important to the badger's ongoing survival and protection.

Hannah also shares her favourite part of our volunteer field training day.

A kestrel project has been taking place in Vienna since 2010, which examines the adaptability of birds in large cities. The project thrives on reports from citizens. Anyone who has seen a kestrel and can clearly distinguish it from other birds is asked to report it. Two weeks ago I found his breeding site 🥹 not far from me and reported it. Such citizen science projects are important and automatically connect us with nature and its living beings.
Do you have kestrels near you in #vienna or even a direct view of a nest? Then please report your sighting to🦅

#citizenscience #kestrel #machmit #mitmachen #natur #naturelovers #wildlife #wildlifeplanet #wildlifevienna #wildtiere #brutplatz #stadtvögel #citybirds

🌳🐦 Aufgepasst Vogelbegeisterte! Vom 09. bis 12. Mai rufen wir zur 20. Stunde der Gartenvögel auf. Eine Stunde lang Vögel zählen und melden, um der heimischen Vogelwelt im Siedlungsraum zu helfen. Jede Meldung zählt!

Mitmachen ist ganz einfach. Du brauchst nur einen ruhigen Platz im Garten, Park oder auf dem Balkon und eine Stunde Zeit. Notiere die höchste Anzahl jeder Vogelart, die du in dieser Stunde beobachtet hast und melde es dem LBV. Kostenlose Online-Kurse helfen dir dabei, die heimische Vogelwelt besser kennenzulernen.

Das Anlegen eines naturnahen und damit vogelfreundlichen Gartens (oder Balkons), das Säen heimischer Pflanzen und Bereitstellen von Nistmöglichkeiten hilft unseren gefiederten Freunden. Und auch Meldungen bei der Stunde der Gartenvögel – auch wenn ihr nur wenige oder keine Vögel sichtet – liefern wichtige Informationen. 🌳🐦

📝 Melde deine Beobachtungen einfach online unter oder per Post oder Telefon. Unter allen Teilnehmenden verlosen wir spannende Preise. 🎁

Freut ihr euch auch schon so aufs Zählen wie wir?

#lbv_bayern #najubayern #StundederGartenvögel2024 #StundederGartenvögel #artenschutz #citizenscience #naturschutz #vogelschutz

Did you know you're taking part in #CitizenScience every time you report a badger road traffic casualty to us?

When you report an incident on our website (link in bio 👆 ) you help us to track incident numbers to identify accident hotspots and save badgers.

We also share data with RoadLab, a specialist project being run at the University of Cardiff, which quantifies and maps wildlife roadkill across the UK.

📸 tombroxup_wildlife_uk

We put our plastic waste in the right bin and assume it’s being taken care of, right? Well, today, we can reveal that the majority of the pieces we throw away are being set on fire right here in the UK. 🔥

These are the findings from The Big Plastic Count this year. An incredible 224,381 citizen scientists from 77,783 households took part, including almost 29,000 school pupils.

Here’s what we found: 

🏠 UK households are throwing away an estimated 1.7 billion pieces of plastic packaging every week. That’s 90 billion pieces a year.

🤔 If you counted all the plastic packaging the UK uses in one week, one second at a time, it would take you 53 years and 7 months.

🥪 The most counted category was food and drink packaging (3,769,205 pieces).

🔥 Over half (58%) of the pieces are being incinerated. That’s up from 46% when we did the count in 2022.

♻️ Only 17% would get recycled, 14% would be exported and 11% would end up in landfill.

🇬🇧 The UK produces more plastic waste per person than almost any other nation – second only to the US. 

These findings reveal both the tidal wave of plastic packaging entering our homes each week and the government’s irresponsible way of dealing with it all. 

That’s why we’re urging the government, brands, and supermarkets to support a strong, legally binding Global Plastics Treaty to cut plastic production by 75% by 2040. 

✍️ Tell the government it’s time for action. Sign our petition to push for change 👉 Link in bio.

greenpeaceuk #GlobalPlasticsTreaty #LessPlastic #PointlessPlastic #DitchThePlastic #PlasticSucks #Microplastics #BreakFreeFromPlastic #NoMorePlastic #SayNoToPlastic #LessWasteLiving #PlasticFreedom #PlasticFreeHome #PlasticFreeCommunities #PlasticFreeMovement #EcoFriendlyLifestyle #EthicalConsumerism #PlasticFreeParent #PlasticFreeLife #LifeWithoutPlastic #WasteFreePlanet #PlasticFreeLiving #ConsciousConsumer #NoPlanetB #ReduceReuseRefill #CitizenScience

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